US Customs Cargo Clearance Port of Miami

Do you need US Customs Cargo Clearance out of the Port of Miami? We can HELP!

Here at Miami Customs Brokers, we offer knowledgeable and efficient US Customs Import Brokerage Services and Transportation Logistics for both the Port of Miami and Port Everglades, Florida. We are an independent brokerage firm started in 2000, committed to providing outstanding customer service at a fraction of the cost of the competition. No matter which port your cargo arrives, we provide customs clearance services from our office in Miami, Florida using Remote Location Filing (RLF) networks.


  • Dry Cargo Imports
  • Food Products
  • Perishable items | Frozen Foods | Fish
  • Medical Devices | Cosmetics | Suplements

Port of Miami Cargo | Logistics | Statistics 

Cargo Volumes
Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
TEUs 1,028,156 1,020,192 1,083,586 1,120,913 1,066,738
Cargo Ships Docked 1,231 1,422 1,081 958 868
Inbound Tonnage 3,871,906 4,567,926 4,749,255 5,745,632 5,792,134
Outbound Tonnage 3,827,980 4,045,813 4,028,719 4,375,938 3,933,140
Total Tonnage 7,699,886 8,613,739 8,777,974 10,121,570 9,725,274


Port of Miami Port Everglades Customs Clearance

Offering Port of Miami & Port of Everglades CBP Customs Release Services. We Clear, Ship, And Deliver All Types Of Cargo. Professional & Fast. Licensed Customs Broker Miami Doral. With over 25 Years of Import & Logistics Expertise, we are a dedicated customs brokerage firm located in Miami Doral providing streamlined solutions for all your customs requirements.

Port of Miami & Port Everglades Import Customs Cargo Clearance

10+2 ISF Importer Security Filing

Don’t forget to file your 10+2 ISF Importer Filing on time!

US Customs enforces the timely filing of ISF (Importer Security Filing) which applies to ocean shipments only. The ISF must be filed at least 24 hours prior to lading on a vessel destined to the United States. Failure to comply with the timely filing of the ISF could ultimately result in monetary penalties, increased inspections, and delay of cargo. Please notify your overseas suppliers and forward the required ISF 10+2 documentation to us for proper filing at least 3 days prior to loading the cargo on a vessel destined to the US….

Port of Miami Import Customs Release | Port Everglades Import Customs Release | Miami Imports 5201

Serviços completos em importações e exportações Aéreas & Marítimas nos Miami, EUA